2 Massages massage nyc New York Manhattan Robert Lane 212-534-8970 401E89th
2 massage Massages therapy therapist masseur nyc New York City Manhattan ues
Robert Lane, LMT. 401 East 89th Street
212-534-8970, healer49m@aol.com
Upper East Side office, NYS licensed 1988
Certified Vortex Healer, Wellness & Health Intuitive
Pendulum Dowsing Consultant for personal decisions

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Robert J. Lane, LMT
Certified VortexHealing Practitioner ®
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 Hours: 1-9 PM, 7 days

CLICK HERE: email to healer49m@aol.com


"I am a yoga teacher and healer myself. I have been exposed to many healers and bodyworkers and I have to say that Robert is amazing and one of the best. As a woman I feel completely safe with his gentle non-invasive energy.

I have come to rely on my treatments with him. He has always come through for me in times of physical and/or emotional stress. I always leave peaceful, nurtured and satisfied. I have worked with him for more than five years and have recommended him to some of my clients who were happy as well.

Treat yourself to self-love and a session with Robert. God Bless."

--N. A., yoga teacher, Manhattan

"I first met Robert in 1989, on the recommendation of a friend who had helped me a lot with affirmation healing. She advised me to work with Robert too, because he uses a diversity of healing methods: wellness & health counseling, bodywork and bath therapy; whatever is needed to help each person individually. My first experience with Robert was amazing! I was not feeling well at all that; he gave me wellness healing right then and there--and within 20 minutes I felt like new. This was 11 years ago--and I still remember that first time.

Since then, he has bailed me out of all kinds of health problems, of every possible variety. No matter what it is, he is usually able to come up with very targeted counseling that has been very successful. I find his expert bodywork to be essential to keep me in good health. If I put it off too long, I start to feel run down, "broken." Then I go to Robert, and he puts me back on track. And I particularly like the soaking bath formulas Robert gives, tailor-made for me personally. They always leave me feeling free, relaxed, physically and emotionally cleansed. They're really great to use immediately after a good massage, to complete the healing cleanse."

Jan P., Media Image Consultant, Make-up & Hair, Manhattan

"...the energy in my space is changed in a major way since you dowsed and cleared it, and now I am having no difficulty getting up in the morning, at all. (I had been struggling for YEARS!) Also your advice for choosing new workspace was VERY accurate; I put a deposit on the space you dowsed, and it worked out to be an incredibly good situation."

H.B., Duane St., NYC (near "Ground Zero")

From New York Magazine, article on the best massage therapists in the city:

"...Another masseur adept at deep-layer-vibration and rocking techniques is Robert Lane whose combination of technical and intuitive skills makes for perhaps the most beneficial session you can experience. While certain elements of his approach may seem esoteric...his unconventional "body energy balancing" (measured through kinesiology muscle tests) enables him to work on areas that may appear unconnected to a given problem but are in fact the key to their solution. Your massage here will be a unique experience...this had to be pretty damn fantastic to penetrate my skepticism. It was...."

--Susanna Gaertner, New York Magazine, 12/95

PLEASE NOTE: Professional massage therapists are licensed by the New York State Education Department, just like doctors, chiropractors, dentists, physical therapists, etc. No form of sexual services is a part of licensed massage. This does not mean that professional massage is clinical or detached. Massage is, of course, inherently sensual, soothing and relaxing; being licensed doesn't change that. A skilled massage therapist brings clients to much deeper levels of relaxation than is achievable by untrained practitioners. At the end, most people feel like they're "floating on air."











General info about professional massage practice
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MASSAGE SCHOOLS. In New York State, the Swedish Institute of Massage and Allied Health Sciences in Manhattan (226 West 26th Street, New York NY 10001, 212-924-5900), is one of two schools licensed to provide professional massage training. Swedish massage and Shiatsu (acupressure, or "acupuncture without needles") are taught, plus reflexology, Tui Na, sports massage, Thai massage, Lymph Drainage Massage, etc. comprise a 16 month Associate Degree program in massage therapy. ROBERT is a 1988 graduate of the Institute. The second NYS school is the New School on Long Island, which specializes in Amma Massage.

MASSAGE BENEFITS. Massage therapy assists the whole body at the cellular level. Massaging enhances circulation in every body tissue; all cells depend on ample blood supply to furnish nutrients and oxygen, and the lymphatic system to carry away cellular wastes and toxins.

Massage therapists sometimes work with other health care professionals, alternative and conventional: medical doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, nutritionists, healers, personal trainers, etc. Common goal: to preserve health, prevent disease or injury and restore functional ability.

Masseurs (male) and masseuses (female): both these terms mean massage practitioner. Most professionals prefer the term massage therapist. Massage manipulations are effective for many health issues:

* Muscle spasms are reduced by localized massage therapy techniques.
* Massages strengthen the heart and slow down the heart rate.
* Massage reduces stress affecting the nervous system.
* Blood carries 10%-15% more oxygen after vigorous massaging.
* Tissue healing is encouraged when blood circulation increases.
* Skilled massage enhances digestion and facilitates sleep.
* Therapeutic massage promotes healthy elimination and glandular secretion.
* Massage relieves pain in the back, neck, legs, shoulders, joints, etc., caused by strain, exercise, chronic ill health or overwork.
* Receiving massage or body work regularly: Once a week is optimal, once a month adequate for people already in reasonably good health.

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Alternative Healing Directory: More info on inner growth through alternative therapy: affirmations, aromatherapy, feng shui, flower essences, gemstone therapy, herbs, massage.

PERSONAL BIO: Robert grew up on a farm near Oneonta, NY. He attended New College in Sarasota, Florida, a school for academically gifted students, graduating from the experimental school Goddard College with a BA in psychology and sociology.

For all forms of Robert's counseling by phone, email, instant message or for energy healings, please contact Robert first to arrange a session of any length. Cost $1/minute. Minimum $10/10 minutes. Brief discussion of services up to 5 minutes no charge.


NYS Society of Medical Massage Therapists.
Massage Referral.
American Massage Therapy Association.
Massage Network
Holisticopia: Global Holistic Directory

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